Here’s what buyers need to know about new construction homes.
As far as new construction goes, there is a litany of options in our marketplace, ranging across many price points and types of builds. What many don’t realize, though, is that a lot of these homes aren’t even in the MLS. Many times, a for-sale sign in the front yard will attract buyers to a new property before the first brick has even been laid.
But what are the benefits of buying new construction? Here are just a few:
- Everything is brand-new. You’ll be the first one to ever live in the home.
- You can often customize the home, including paint colors and hardware.
- Everything is under warranty.
“You’ll need a buyer’s agent to help you navigate the nuances of the builder’s contract.”
If you’re thinking of buying a new construction home, we highly recommend that you order a home inspection. Yes, the home is brand-new, but we’ve seen inspection reports come back with upwards of 50 items that need to be addressed prior to closing. It’s also critical to hire a buyer’s agent. Most builders will use contracts that contain inclusions and exclusions, and it’s our job as agents to make sure that the builder completes per the finish standards in the contract and that you, as a buyer, are cognizant of what you’re signing.
We help buyers purchase new construction homes throughout Charlotte all the time, so if you have any questions or need any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to help you, as well.